First off, why am i writing this blog... I can tell you now straight up it is not to show off my writing skills as you will quickly learn spelling and grammar are not one of my strengths. However I have been know to have some pretty good ideas and have been making my living turning my ideas into reality all my life. I started my first business when I was in elementary school and I have been started and running business ever senses. Have all these businesses been successful, no not all. Has it always been fun, no not always. Did I learn a lot, you bet ya. Do I love the life I live having been job free pretty much all my life, definitely. That brings me to why im writing this. Being an entrepreneur is not a destination its a never ending journey. There are tough times but the pay off in lifestyle and pride of ownership in what you have created is tremendous. I absolutely love the lifestyle I have chosen and it is my goal to share some of this life with you. In this blog I will chronicle what steps I have taken to get where I am today, what keeps me going. As I learn new ways to improve my business, my life and my relationships I will be posting. Whether you yourself are in business now or you want to get into business for yourself I hope you find the following post to be helpful.
Nice blog Dwayne! Thought provoking topics for sure. Keep it up!
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